Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Rib damage

So am recovering from misogi finally. Quite achy the last two days! Foolishly tried to do my hundred sword cuts the morning after the 2500 cuts and got to about 25 before I had to stop from screaming wrists. Found a bit of jo swinging much nicer.

After some googling on t'internet I have concluded I cracked a rib a couple of weeks ago falling onto Tom Hume's knee in the dojo! Still quite tender to touch but OK to breath - just every now again I use one particular muscle group and the pain! Ouch.

Jesus - aikido mastery (hah!) does not come cheap!


  1. Oh fuck - sorry to read that, Gav :(

    Mind you, misogi with a cracked rib gets you MASSIVE cred...

  2. Damn right :P
    Wrist before that, back before that, ankle before that... whatever doesn't kill you...
